Monday, June 24, 2013


So I finally managed to pull myself out of the fetal position after being consumed by VIXX feels so I could write this short post! If you have seen my other kpop/personal blog recently you would have noticed that I kind of promised to begin writing again.

I will definitely try my best to fulfil this promise, but on the other hand that doesn't guarantee that any of the unfinished fanfics will get completed. It has been almost a year since I touched this blog or wrote anything in general and also things have changed in terms of bias groups. I no longer consider myself an EXO stan so Youthful Clock may never see an ending. Unless I randomly feel in the mood to do so, which is highly unlikely but you never know!

My main priority is, as it always was, to write for my friends. So to restart this blog I start a non k-pop fanfic just for my precious dongsaeng Linnie~ Who caused me hell asking for a story with Simon from The Mortal Instruments series...I realised while struggling through this that I really can't deal with other people's fictional characters! So it's pretty awful, short and wayyyyyyyyyyy overdue seeing as her birthday was four months ago and I did start the story about a week before her actual birthday! SORRY LINNIRS YOU KNOW I LOVE YOU >.<

A New Encounter (Linnie's birthday fic) *non k-pop*

His heart felt as if it was racing as his fist repeatedly pumped up into the air. The atmosphere in the stadium was electrifying and exhilarating.  So much so that Simon almost felt as if he was alive once more.  The flames blasted up into the air and engulfed the front of the stage for the dramatic closing of the concert. Simon ripped open the top of a bottle of water and poured the liquid down himself, soaking his clothes and hair, before grabbing a towel and loosely drying himself.  The crowd screamed even louder as he flung the towel out into the mass of people.

He took one last look back out, taking in the scent of excited teenager’s adrenaline pumping blood through their breakable bodies one last time. He freed himself from the deep red strap of the bass, handing it to the nearest roadie, and return back to the shelter of the dimly lit dressing room.

“It’s strange..” a small voice peeped up, amused at the sight of Simon’s cold dead stare into nothingness break as soon as they spoke.

“What is?” he snapped back, irritated at this blonde girl who he had never seen before. ‘Where did she come from,’ he wondered, ‘It has been a long time since someone has snuck up on me..’

“Well, you know, the whole fact that you use an actual instrument. It’s strange. Unheard of in these days,” the woman smiled, “Maybe that’s why they all love you. You’re doing something different than everyone else.”

Simon smirked, amused with the human’s praise. He glanced up at her short blonde hair, swept to one side and wondered why she looked so familiar. Perhaps he once knew her mother, or grandmother. He inevitably became used to outlasting his human friends and bumping into their descendants, however becoming used to something and liking something are two very different things.

“And you are?”

“Oh me?” she said, twisting her fingers in her silver chain around her pale neck, “The names Lyn.”

“Lyn..” Simon muttered, racking his brain for any memory of a person who previously possessed that name.

“Yep. Like the lake.”

Simon’s head snapped up and stared intensely into the woman’s face, a golden flicker sparkling in her eyes. “Shadowhunter..” he hissed, “What attracted you to this place, eh?”

Lyn laughed carelessly, “Calm, Daylighter. Unless, of course, there is a reason for you to react so hostile at the sight of one of my kind?”

Simon’s brown eyes narrowed before he snorted and waved his hand dismissively and turning away, “Of course not. I just prefer to stay away from your kind nowadays. Don’t take it personally.”

"So..You didn't mind us before then?" Lyn smirked. "Usually you vampires don't like us full stop!"

"Well let's just say you were more bearable back in the day.."he sighed, flicking his eyes back up to the golden haired girl then over towards the door, "I'm afraid it's time to do some business so if you don't mind."

"Ok," she exhaled, "I'll leave you to your business but remember that I've got my eyes on you Daylighter. You may be able to walk in the sunlight but it won't take too long for the general public to start wondering about that ageless rockstar. You may not care about the suspicion the general public have towards your kind but it is us who will have to clean up this mess and we would most appreciate it if that day never has to arrive."

"Yeah, yeah, whatever.." he mumbled as Lyn backed out of the room with a slight scowl, bumping into a purple suited man as she fled the dressing room area. The purple suited man's cat-like yellow eyes darted towards her, scanning her profile before she left his sight. He flicked back his single black curl from his forehead and continued into the dressing room.

"Ah Magnus," Simon called out while sinking back into the leather couch in the corner of the dressing room with an original Batman comic propped open on his lap, "Any idea who that Shadowhunter was? She looked almost good enough to eat!"

Magnus let out a small chuckle before sighing almost sadly, "You'd think even after all this time you would have gotten used to recognising people's descendants but no... Not even your best friend's great granddaughter."
